- Since the launch of Logan in 2004, the Dacia brand has emerged as the benchmark in a fresh approach to the automobile for consumers.
- Dacia's strength lies in the power it gives buyers to choose: ¬all the basics at the right price, ¬a range of ?ve vehicles: Sandero, Logan, Logan MCV, Logan van and Logan pick¬up.
- In the space of just six years, Dacia's sales have increased practically fourfold.
The Dacia brand is currently marketed in almost 50 countries.
In 2008, Dacia benefited from the introduction of Sandero. The range!s compact hatchback was launched in June 2008 and was immediately given a positive welcome with sales of almost 40,000 units.
Dacia - the power to choose
Dacia is acclaimed as a clever, generous brand for the excellent equipment/performance package, cabin space, comfort, quality and reliability its models offer for their price. Dacia delivers all the basics without making any comprises in such fundamental domains as safety and quality.
The brand!s line¬up currently features ?ve models:
- three passenger cars: Sandero, Logan and Logan MCV,
- two light commercial vehicles: Logan van and Logan pick¬up.
Dacia o?ers consumers a fresh approach to the automobile
Dacia made its entry in western Europe and the Maghreb region in 2005 and is therefore a new brand in the majority of its markets, with the exception of its home territory which is eastern Europe.
Western Europe: Dacia is winning over two new types of customer:
- the majority formerly bought used cars aged ?ve years or more,
- although they are fewer in number, the brand also attracts pragmatic buyers for whom acquiring a Dacia is a logical choice because it means they get just what they want without features that are super?uous to their real needs. For this category of customer, price stands out as the principal factor in the decision to purchase
A trend towards bespoke sales outlets in western Europe
At the end of 2008, 65 bespoke Dacia showrooms were operational in France, two¬thirds of which were located in separate buildings. Belgium and Germany each boasted nine distinct showrooms, the majority being in specific
Images : DACIA Production Range
[Source : RENAULT - DACIA]
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